Style & Substance:
The Auction

Live & Online Auction

*In-Person Bidders Must Email Prior To Attendance*

Sunday, March 2 @ 10am CST

Buying at Auction FAQ

Auction Archives


January 12 - Hi-Design: Past & Future Icons
February 9 - Prominent Chicago Estates: Antiques & Pottery


January 14 - RA Presents: Fine Jewelry & Native American

January 28 - 2024 Vintage Fashion & Jewelry by RA

February 11 - They Reminisce Over You: Mid Century & Design

March 3 - A Gold Coast Estate: Antiques Garden & French

March 22 - A  Military Museum: Civil War to WWII

April 14 - High Style Estates: Deco, Garden, Mid Century

April 28 - Gold Dust Woman: Spring Fashion & Jewelry

May 9 - RA: Everything Everywhere All At Once

June 2 - Good Good Things: High End Mid Century & Art

June 16 - RA Presents: Town House Interiors Found Design

July 20 - High End Americana: Primitives - Mid Century

August 18 - Chicago Jeweler's Estate: Gold & Gems

September 8 - See No Evil: The Lakin Estate

September 22 - No Reserve Modern Design Showroom

September 29 - Iconic Estates: Design, Art & Antiques

October 13 - RA Presents: Hard To Find Mid Century Design

November 17 - November Epic Estates: The History of Chicago

December 8 - Deck Your Halls With Design


January 15 - NYC to CHI Estates: Antiques, Asian, Art Deco

January 27 - Style  & Elegance

February 19 - Gimme Shelter: Design in the 20th C. Auction

March 5 - Yellowstone: Out West 1860’s - 1960’s

March 24 - A Toast to Spring:
Waterford & More

April 16 - MODERN LOVE: The Best of 20th C. Design

April 30 - The Enchanted French Garden

May 21 - DIAMOND LIFE - Gold, Sterling, Designer Jewelry

June 18 - SLOW RIDE- Racing Bicycle Auction

June 25 - Chasing Sunsets- Mid Century & Design Auction

July 16  - HOW TO MAKE IT IN AMERICA: Americana Auction

August 20 - Welcome Home: Prominent Chicago Estates

September 24 - IMPORTANT ESTATES: Mid Century & Jewelry

October 1 - American Gothic

October 22 - ICONS: Eames Knoll Mies Murano Miro & More

November 19 - The Great Wilderness: by Land or Sea Auction

December 7 - The Holiday Party: Fashion & Jewelry


January 6 Mid Century Modern Eames Scholder Halley

January 20 Museum Quality: Art Deco, Tiffany, Art & More

Thursday, February 24 - Interiors: The Fly Over States Collection Auction 

Thursday, March 10 - 20th C. Fox: Vintage Fashion & Jewelry 

Thursday, March 24 - Interior Design: Art, Antiques & Jewelry Auction 

Thursday, March 31 - French & American Garden Auction NO RESERVE 

Thursday, April 14 - NO RESERVE: 1ST DIBS, MILO, DUNBAR,KAGAN, etc. Auction 

May 19 - May Elegance: Interior Design Auction

Thursday, June 2nd- Black Coffee in Bed: Gold Coast Estates and Art

June 16 - Lost In Yesterday: Mid Century Design Auction

July 7 - RA: Midsommar No Reserve French - Mid Century Auction

July 28 - Day 1: Antique Stoneware Crock Estate 1 Owner

July 29 - Day 2: Antique Stoneware Crock Estate 1 Owner

August 11 - RA: 2nd Annual Vintage Summer Camp Auction

August 25 - RA Essentials: 19th C Mid Century Postmodern 

September 8 - RA Fall Fashion: It’s Gucci! & More

September 25 - Rivich Auction: I'm Talking About Chi Town: Prominent Estates

October 23 - Significant Settings: Movie Set & Design

November 27 - American Beauty: Rock n Roll & Mid Century

 Friday, December 9 - All I Want for XMAS: Vintage Fashion & Jewelry


January 17 At Last: American-European Collectors Estate Auction

February 21 Shakedown 1979: MCM, Folk, Post Modern Design

March 21 20th C. Standard: MCM & Post Modern Design Auction

April 18 Museum Quality 19th C - 20th C Ladies Fashion

April 25 In Bloom: Decorative Arts, Furniture & Garden

May 16 Museum Quality Pt 2: DECORATIVE ARTS

May 23 Homecoming Auction: Interiors, Mid Century & More

June 12 City of Whiting Excess Surplus Auction

June 20 Museum Quality Pt. 3: Eclectic 19th-20th C. Auction

June 24 Designer Interiors Victorian MCM Post Modern Auction

August 15 Come Fly With Me: Decorative Arts

August 22 Vintage Summer Camp Auction

August 28 - AUCTION Milo Baughman, Knoll, Springer, Design Store Moving

September 4/5 - Antique Store Liquidation - Tish's Upscale Antique's IN PERSON

Thursday, September 16 - A Rockstar, A Doctor & A Monk: 19th C. - MCM

October 2 - City of Whiting Excess Surplus Auction

October 21 - Fall Classic: Art, Mid Century & Traditional Auction

November 17 CHANEL GUCCI & More: Designer Clothes Auction

November 18 American Standard: Western - Mid Century Auction

December 2 NO RESERVE: Deck Your Halls with Mid Century Auction